中庭一个. 迈尔斯是城市和全球研究中心的主任. 城市国际研究特聘教授. 加思·迈尔斯获得了博士学位.D. 1993年毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校,主修城市规划. 迈尔斯的字母是M.A. (加州大学洛杉矶分校, 1986)非洲地区研究, 以地理和城市规划为主辅学科, 和B.A. 获得鲍登学院历史荣誉学位, 主修非洲和非裔美国人历史. 他曾在堪萨斯大学任教, 内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校, 迈阿密大学(俄亥俄州), 加州州立大学多明格斯山分校, 和加州大学洛杉矶分校. 迈尔斯对大型讲座和小型研讨会很满意. His teaching philosophy rests on a belief in student engagement; the best learning takes place in engaged classrooms, 教授在哪里促进学生的讨论和辩论. 迈尔斯在肯尼亚进行了研究, 坦桑尼亚, 马拉维, 赞比亚, 南非, 芬兰, 和英国在过去的20年里, 他经常用他的研究来指导他的教学.
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Xiangming Chen served as founding Dean 和 Director of Urban 和 Global Studies 和 Director of the 城市与全球研究中心 at 博彩平台网址大全, 2007-2019年康涅狄格州. He is currently Interim Director of the 城市与全球研究中心 for the spring 2023 semester, 城市研究项目主任, 和保罗·E. 全球城市研究和社会学特聘教授. He also holds the positions of Distinguished Guest Professor at in the School of Social Development 和 Policy at Fudan University in Shanghai 和 Adjunct Professor at the Graduate School of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences in Shanghai, 中国. 他是北京社会科学院名誉研究员. 他曾在耶鲁大学任教, 和 received fellowships 和 grants from the American Council of Learned Societies, 美国社会学协会, 蒋经国博彩平台网址大全基金会, 开放社会研究所, 以及区域研究协会. 他得了B.A. 毕业于北京外国语大学,获博士学位.D. 杜克大学社会学硕士. 他是作者之一, 安东尼·奥伦, of The World of Cities: Places in Comparative 和 Historical Perspective (Blackwell, 2003); the author of As Borders Bend: Transnational Spaces on the Pacific Rim (Rowman 和 Littlefield, 2005); the editor of 和 primary contributor to Shanghai Rising: State Power 和 Local Transformations in a Global Megacity (University of Minnesota Press, 2009); the lead editor, 与艾哈迈德·卡纳, of Rethinking Global Urbanism: Comparative Insights from Secondary Cities (Routledge, 2012); a co-author, 安东尼·奥伦和克里斯塔·保尔森, of Introduction to Cities: How Place 和 Space Shape Human Experience (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, 第二版, 2018); the lead editor, 和尼克·培根, of Confronting Urban Legacy: Rediscovering 哈特福德 和 New Engl和’s Forgotten Cities (Lexington Books, 2013); 和 a co-editor, 莎伦·祖金和菲利普·卡西尼茨, 全球城市, 当地街道(劳特利奇), 2015; Chinese edition, 2016; Korean edition, 2017; 和 lead author, 和Julie Tian Miao和Xue Li一起, The Belt 和 Road Initiative as Epochal Regionalization (Regional Studies Association, 2020).
博士的观点. 陈的 延长生物教师简介.
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加贝纳尔逊 是城市与全球研究中心的副主任. Gabby manages events, research 和 engagement opportunities for students, 和 communications. 她还支持我校的访问教师和学术项目. Gabby收到了一个M.A. in public policy 和 城市规划研究生证书 from 博彩平台网址大全 和B.A. 康涅狄格大学城市研究辅修西班牙语. She conducted research on housing policy as a graduate student 和 wrote a master’s thesis titled “Community Development Corporations 和 Neighborhood Stability in 哈特福德 和 New Haven, CT.” An avid gardener, Gabby grows cut flowers, veggies, 和 herbs in 哈特福德 in her spare time.
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Laura Humm Delgado是城市研究助理教授. 她是一位城市规划学者和前从业者.  She received a Master in City Planning 和 a PhD 在你rban 和 Regional Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 她之前在波士顿市研究经济适用房, 住房, 土地使用, 以及废弃的房产.  她的研究重点是住房和社区发展, 包括社区组织和公共机构的作用, 在你.S. 城市.  Her most recent research looks at public libraries 和 how they draw on community resources to facilitate immigrant integration at the neighborhood level.  Previously, her research has addressed the foreclosure crisis, gentrification, 和 homelessness.  她有教授住房和社区发展的经验, 研究方法, 城市规划的历史和理论, 以及麻省理工学院和波士顿大学的GIS.  作为老师, she values discussion-based classes 和 encourages students to incorporate experiential learning into their coursework.
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Sean Fitzpatrick is Professor of the Practice in Public Policy 和 Urban Studies. 他是大学的核心教授之一 城市规划研究生证书.  在加入博彩平台网址大全之前, Professor Fitzpatrick was Director of Development Services for the City of 哈特福德 under Mayor Luke Bronin, where he championed the revival of Constitution Plaza as a center of 教育 和 technological innovation.  He also led the successful completion of the prior mayoral administration’s troubled stadium project, 唐恩都乐公园, 并发起了引进职业足球专营权的倡议, 哈特福德运动, 到2019年新装修的狄龙体育场.  Fitzpatrick previously served as Chief of 工作人员 to the Chairman of the Port Authority of New York & 新泽西, 约翰Degnan, who was appointed to lead reform efforts at that agency in the wake of the 2013 Bridgegate sc和al.  进入政府工作前, 他在保险行业工作了二十年, helping to establish one of Metro 哈特福德’s most successful insurance start-ups, 执行风险, in the 1990s 和 later holding senior executive positions with Chubb 和 The 哈特福德.  菲茨帕特里克在华盛顿开始了他的私人律师执业生涯, DC, where he represented the federal deposit insurance agencies in trial 和 appellate litigation arising out of the savings 和 loan crisis. 2002年到2011年, 菲茨帕特里克曾在康涅狄格大学法学院担任讲师, 他在那里教授职业责任和保险法的课程.  From 2010 through 2018, he was an Adviser on the American Law Institute’s inaugural 责任保险法重述 (2019).
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基维·麦克法登是凯尔特大学城市研究博士后. She an urban geographer with specializations in urban development 和 基础设施, 教育, 社会运动, 基于社区的研究. 同时在明尼苏达大学完成博士学位, 基维研究了芝加哥教育与城市政治之间的交集. 政治参与研究是她正在进行的研究议程的核心, 和 the theoretical insights of her research are grounded in collaborative research engagements with community-based organizations. Keavy’s latest research project explores the entanglements between social reproduction 和 environmental justice. Keavy’s research has been supported by fellowships 和 grants from the National Science Foundation, the Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change at University of Minnesota, 以及明尼苏达大学研究生院. 她也是。的联合创始人和联合编辑 搅拌! 杂志, 一个在线, open-access platform that explores the possibilities 和 challenges of interweaving scholarship, 激进主义, 艺术在寻找正义.
Shoshana Goldstein是城市研究的客座助理教授. She is an academic 和 urban planner with a master’s in international affairs from the New School, where she focused on the comparative urban development experiences of India 和 中国, 康奈尔大学城市与区域规划博士学位, 专门从事国际规划, 南亚历史, 与景观建筑学. Her research investigates histories of urban planning in India 和 North America, 探索流动正义的主题, 住房precarity, 以及在边缘和移民社区中建立场所. 在获得博士学位之前, Goldstein worked for the India 中国 Institute 和 as a consultant for the United Nations Department of Economic 和 Social Affairs 和 UNICEF. 曾为规划人员讲授地理信息系统入门和高级课程, 移民课程, 基础设施, 和住房.




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